
Wouldn't it be nice to know what kind of impact you are actually having?

As businesses and individuals we are all trying to reduce our carbon footprint. We need to make to make conscious decisions and take decisive actions such as reusing, reducing, and recycling

Polar Engineering has  developed an energy recovery analysis dashboard specifically designed for facilities that want to highlight their energy savings. This dashboard will take information from the energy recovery refrigeration controls system, and calculate both the instantaneous and to-date energy savings using Polar’s algorithms. 

Heat Recovery Dashboard for Polar Engineering
Energy Recovery Dashboard for Polar Engineering
Using these algorithms, the dashboard will display the following information:
  1. Tons of CO2 reductions to date
  2. Equivalent carbon reductions to taking X number of cars off the road
  3. Equivalent carbon reductions to planting X number of trees
  4. Equivalent houses heated

These four energy metrics will show the public how the facility is using their money to reinvest in the community and reduce their carbon footprint. This dashboard has been designed to display prominently on a TV in the front lobby or live on your website. 

Heat Recovery Dashboard for Polar Engineering

Curious on how a Polar Engineering Dashboard could work in your facility?

Heat Recovery Dashboard for Polar Engineering