Safety and Grants

Grant Applications

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Maintenance Manuals​​

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Energy Audits

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Safety Audits​

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A neglected refrigeration system can lead to equipment damage, business interruption, injuries, lawsuits, or even fatalities.

Failure to maintain compliance with all health and safety regulations can also lead to costly fines and potential criminal liability. The unfortunate events that transpired in Fernie, BC in October 2017 are a prime example of how an aging refrigeration system and inadequate emergency preparedness can lead to disastrous consequences. 

Polar Engineering provides a range of services which allow you to ensure that your facility’s refrigeration system is operating safely and efficiently.

Industrial Refrigeration- General 2
Portrait of male site contractor engineer with hard hat holding blue print paper

Grant Applications

Polar Engineering has long established working relationships with multiple grant organizations throughout Canada, including Clean BC and Fortis. This allows us to provide our clients with up-to-date information on grant funding that is available for every type of project.

Our experience working with these organizations has allowed us to create effective grant applications for our clients, tailored specifically to the unique requirements of each grant. Whether it is a new build, an upgrade, or a retrofit project, Polar will maximize your chance of being awarded grant funding, allowing you to offset up to 100% of your project’s costs.


Unrecognizable man writes plan

By following the Polar maintenance plan, you can be assured that your refrigeration plant is running as smoothly, efficiently, and safely as possible.

Maintenance Manuals

Like any mechanical system, industrial refrigeration systems require diligent maintenance to ensure they are running properly and efficiently. 

For many facilities, insufficient maintenance planning, inadequate documentation, and employee turnover can make it difficult to ensure maintenance tasks are being performed properly and on-schedule. This can lead to inefficient plant operation, safety risks, costly repairs, fines, and increased refrigeration system downtime. 

Polar engineering can work alongside your staff to develop a comprehensive maintenance plan.

This maintenance plan will include:

Energy Audits

Energy consumption is an important consideration for any company, both for operating costs and environmental impact. Polar Engineering energy audits begin with a comprehensive site visit where site information and critical operating parameters are recorded.

Using this data, a detailed energy consumption profile of your facility is developed, allowing us to determine inefficiencies and potential energy savings measures which can be implemented throughout your facility. We will then work with you to develop effective energy management strategies, reducing your facility’s natural gas and electricity consumption, leaving more money in your pocket.

Portrait of male site contractor engineer with hard hat holding blue print paper

Use a Polar safety audit to give you a head start, allowing you to rectify issues before an incident occurs, saving time, money, and headaches.

Safety Audits

Polar Engineering works closely with Technical Safety BC (TSBC) and other local safety officials, allowing us to identify any potential risks, code compliance gaps, and shortcomings in your facility’s emergency preparedness.

Polar Engineering has also partnered with the Ammonia Safety Training Institute (ASTI). This allows us to create site-specific Ammonia One plans which provide a detailed emergency plan for your facility in the case of an ammonia leak. 

We also provide extensive safety training to your facility’s staff and refrigeration operators. This ensures that each individual knows their responsibilities in the case of an emergency, and is thoroughly prepared to carry out their required tasks when it is required most. A clear plan is essential to ensure that your clients, staff, and the public remain safe during an ammonia emergency.

Polar Engineering provides complete safety audits to ensure your facility’s mechanical systems meet all the latest codes and regulations, allowing you to be confident that you are providing a safe space for your employees, clients and the public.

Polar Engineering has long established working relationships with multiple grant organizations throughout Canada, including Clean BC and Fortis. This allows us to provide our clients with up-to-date information on grant funding that is available for every type of project.

Our experience working with these organizations has allowed us to create effective grant applications for our clients, tailored specifically to the unique requirements of each grant. Whether it is a new build, an upgrade, or a retrofit project, Polar will maximize your chance of being awarded grant funding, allowing you to offset up to 100% of your project’s costs.

Maintenance Manuals

Like any mechanical system, industrial refrigeration systems require diligent maintenance to ensure they are running properly and efficiently. For many facilities, insufficient maintenance planning, inadequate documentation, and employee turnover can make it difficult to ensure maintenance tasks are being performed properly and on-schedule. This can lead to inefficient plant operation, safety risks, costly repairs, fines, and increased refrigeration system downtime. 

Polar engineering can work alongside your staff to develop a comprehensive maintenance plan.

This maintenance plan will include:

Detailed step-by-step instructions of each required maintenance task (with pictures)
A maintenance schedule which outlines daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual maintenance tasks
A task breakdown which outlines the tasks which will be carried out by general facility staff, refrigeration operators, mechanical contractors

Proper documentation to record the completion of maintenance activities, as required by TSBC

By following the Polar maintenance plan, you can be assured that your refrigeration plant is running as smoothly, efficiently, and safely as possible.

Energy Audits

Energy consumption is an important consideration for any company, both for operating costs and environmental impact. Polar Engineering energy audits begin with a comprehensive site visit where site information and critical operating parameters are recorded.

Using this data, a detailed energy consumption profile of your facility is developed, allowing us to determine inefficiencies and potential energy savings measures which can be implemented throughout your facility.  We will then work with you to develop effective energy management strategies, reducing your facility’s natural gas and electricity consumption, leaving more money in your pocket.

Safety Audits

Polar Engineering provides complete safety audits to ensure your facility’s mechanical systems meet all the latest codes and regulations, allowing you to be confident that you are providing a safe space for your employees, clients and the public.

Polar Engineering works closely with Technical Safety BC (TSBC) and other local safety officials, allowing us to identify any potential risks, code compliance gaps, and shortcomings in your facility’s emergency preparedness.

Polar Engineering has also partnered with the Ammonia Safety Training Institute (ASTI). This allows us to create site-specific Ammonia One plans which provide a detailed emergency plan for your facility in the case of an ammonia leak. 

We also provide extensive safety training to your facility’s staff and refrigeration operators. This ensures that each individual knows their responsibilities in the case of an emergency, and is thoroughly prepared to carry out their required tasks when it is required most. A clear plan is essential to ensure that your clients, staff, and the public remain safe during an ammonia emergency.

Use a Polar safety audit to give you a head start, allowing you to rectify issues before an incident occurs, saving time, money, and headaches.

Curious how working with Polar Engineering can help with safety and grants?